Free Astrology Resources
Basic Astrology Primer
This Primer is designed to provide a few of the basics for astrology including the meanings of the planets, zodiac signs, and houses. Download Now: Basic Astrology PrimerAstrology Signs for US States and Cities
Following is a listing of Sun signs for several countries, states, and cities. Be aware that some places will have more than one sun sign based upon differences in the data sources, political changes, and so forth. For example, Portland, Oregon has at least two charts. Because of these common discrepancies in what is known as “mundane astrology,” the following data is provided to serve only as a general guide. Download Now: Astrology Signs for US States and CitiesEsoteric Astrology: the Seven Rays Explained
Within Esoteric Astrology is a branch called The Seven Rays. This information takes you beyond our solar system to a universal perspective, a place called the Great Central Sun by people working with the information provided by the mystic Alice A Bailey and Master Djwahl Kuhl. The people most drawn to work with esoteric astrology and the seven rays are consciously aware that they incarnated to be of soul service. The esoteric astrology consultation provided by Mark is more easily understood by people who already have a basic understanding of their natal chart.
Download Now: Seven Rays Explained