Mark Dodich, Astrologer
My purpose is to serve the Highest Good by allowing the light and love of our One Divine Source to flow through me. My goal is to assist you in manifesting your Divine Nature in your daily life. Your conscious understanding that you are intrinsically connected to the One Source of what Hermetic philosophers would call “All That Is” empowers you to manifest your life vision. This allows your spirit to heal, grow, and prosper. Since we are all connected at the Source, your increasing Light benefits all Creation. Thank you to all of the people who have helped me to come out of my hermit’s cave to step into greater levels of service.
Mark Dodich


About Mark Dodich


Mark F. Dodich has provided Astrology and Intuitive Consultations internationally since 1980. Mark holds a C.A.P. (Certified Astrological Professional) from ISAR (International Society of Astrological Research). He is past president of the Oregon Astrological Association and publishes the Astromark newsletter. Since leaving the corporate world of industrial sales to do astrology full time in 1995, he has published hundreds of articles and is regularly heard on the radio, seen on television, and speaks at conferences and metaphysical venues.

Several years ago, Mark began to offer metaphysical travel to sacred places such as Egypt and Greece. Combining astrology, meditation, and healing ceremonies for small groups in ancient energies has been extremely satisfying. An African safari to places inhabited by humans for over 2 million years is the current project.

Metaphysical subjects and techniques that empower spiritual growth are a continual source of interest for Mark. His interest in esoteric subjects started while attending Kent State University, near his birthplace in Canton, Ohio. Mark was fascinated with the study of so-called primitive African tribes that could do telepathy, healing, and even had specific knowledge of stars that were not visible to the naked eye before the telescope was invented. He also studied a local spiritualist church camp to understand intuitive abilities, which he later learned were active in the elders of his own family (Catholics, in those days, did not speak of such things!).

Further studies included a healer/counselor certificate, and then a ministry certificate from the Arizona Metaphysical Society, Frank Alper, and the Church of Tzaddi (I am no longer affiliated with the church, and Frank has since made transition). Mark was a board member of the Church of Alice, a spiritualist church, for over 8 years. Mark also took numerous Native America-style medicine wheel training’s from Sun Bear and other shamanistic teachings He is a past president of the Oregon Astrological Assn (two terms), past treasurer and newsletter editor, and seems to have one of those volunteer stickers on his back!

Before Mark moved to Oregon in 1991, he lived in SE Florida, Houston, Seattle, Colorado Springs, San Francisco, Anchorage, Washington DC, New Jersey, and Santa Fe. Some of these moves were career oriented during his life as an industrial salesperson in industries such as aluminum, mini-blind manufacturing, and industrial supplies. Other moves were for the sake of adventure. 

Somewhere along the way, Mark developed an interest in the channeled materials of Djwahl Kuhl and Alice A. Bailey. The information on the Seven Rays and the Violet Flame helped Mark to develop his Soul Ray Esoteric Astrology Consultation.

And because some people like to know: Mark was born with the Sun in Libra, the moon in the balsamic phase -just before the new moon- also in Libra, and a Virgo rising sign (Oct. 7, 1953, Canton, OH 4:53 AM). And because someone always asks, Mark is single and still figuring out how to balance a strong private monk side with spending quality time with a woman- and running a full time consulting practice with travel, writing, and lecture schedule. Mark’s primary interest is to help people open to the beauty of their Divine Essence. Of course, it is also his interest for himself!

I was recently interviewed by Benjamin Lewis of the Curmudgeon Cafe.  The Curmudgeon Cafe sees every person as a library, a very fragile library of oral traditions, anecdotes, and personal stories.  The podcast features stories told by everyday people like you and me. Stories about childhood, careers, education, hobbies, causes, and everything in between. Here is my story:
student interview

A young person sent me this letter…

Dear Mr. Dodich, Hello! My name is Akriti Kumar and I’m a freshman (9th grader) at Eastern High School in New Jersey. For my Gifted and Talented class, I had to do an independent study project and I chose astrology as my topic. For my project, I have to interview people in the field. I noticed that you are a certified astrologer, so I was wondering if I could ask you some questions to further my knowledge. It would be great if you could e-mail me back with your answers if you have time (you do not have to answer all the questions). 1. Astrology has been defined in many ways over the years. What is your definition of astrology? Astrology is a map of life using the planets and stars as a reference point. It is both an art and a science, having been used for at least 4500 years. Astrology does not control or define your life, you do. It is simply a tool to help people better understand themselves, the cycles of life they are in, and their choices that are available. Each person decides the level of enlightenment or fear that they put into their life choices, and astrology helps provide detached perspective into those choices. 2. What inspired you to become an astrologer? The joke in astrology is that astrology chooses you, not the other way around. Many people are stimulated to do astrology as a hobby, few are called to do it as their profession. I did not start out to be a professional, it just wouldn’t go away! 3. How big of an impact does astrology have on our daily lives? The impact does not come from the astrology. The impact of our environment is reflected by astrology.The outer world is a reflection of the inner state of humanities collective consciousness. Astrology helps us to better see that which is going on below the surface. It helps us to see that events going off in the seemingly distant Middle East are going on within our own consciousness right here in North America. Astrology is a guide to understanding the impact of our world upon ourselves. 4. Why do you think people are so fascinated with their zodiac signs? I think it is part ego from wanting to feel both important and like you have a significant place in this world. It gives you something in common with others while giving you a sense of uniqueness. On a deeper level, I think people innately understand that there is a common connection to the One Source of all that is ( I call that Source God, but it goes by many different names and beliefs). I also think people want to make some sense of life and their purpose, even when they do not recognize it consciously. 5. Where exactly did astrology originate from? That is controversial. The oldest chart we have (and this information may be outdated) is from around 2500 BCE. Cave painting have been found that represent the zodiac much earlier than that. The philosophy in India is that a wise guru brought it to us after meditating in a cave. Western astrologers believe it came from far beyond that. So the real answer is, I don’t think anyone really knows. 6. Is there anything else you think I should know to learn more about astrology? Astrology is a wide open field. You can study it for life and barely scratch the surface. Each person uses the tool to the best of their ability based upon their personal needs and level of spiritual development. Some use it to find a life mate, others use it to make money, and others use it to seek enlightenment. The beauty of astrology is that it has such a wide range of uses and possibilities. Of course, this also opens astrology to abuse from those who use it in inappropriate ways. This abuse is what people in the media or in closed-minded philosophies see when they disparage astrology. But like everything in this life, the energy of a tool can be used or misused, and it is each person’s responsibility to use it for the greatest good of all.